Arnsberg, we’re coming! Get your tickets here!

Arnsberg, we’re coming! Get your tickets here!
We went on tour in Russia again in 2016 – with our friends from Phoenix Ashes. And we made a documentary about it.
It’s on YouTube/IGTV and it’s called: REVOLUTION ASHES IN RUSSIA!
Now we have a WEEKLY REACTION SHOW (Thursdays, 19.30 CET) on the Start A Revolution Instagram, where Arnout (PA) and Malik (SAR) present a new episode to other band members.
The twist: none of them have seen the videos before so it’s an hour of fun and walking down memory lane – while chatting with fans!
Afterwards we publish also the live shows on our YouTube channel.
Check it out!
Wir saßen zusammen mit unserem Freund und Produzenten Tom Albrecht in seinem Hildener Studio und haben an der Akustikversion von ANCHOR gewerkelt. Aber was dann geschah, werdet ihr nicht glauben!!
„Was habt ihr eigentlich vor Start der Revolution gemacht?“
Ihr habt gefragt, wir haben geantwortet:
SAR Vlog #17 · Oldies but Goldies
Download this single directly from us or listen on Spotify or even better on Apple Music, etc.
Passion can save you. A song we HAD to write. When everything seems black and you don’t know where to turn – this is for you. ANCHOR. HOPE. EVERYTHING. This is the sad version.
The angry original of ANCHOR was released on our album SURVIVORS (Rockaine/Rough Trade), get it here:
Directed by Tom Albrecht
Camera by Tom Albrecht & Malik Aziz
Editing by Tom Albrecht & Malik Aziz
Special Thanks to Udo @ Hotel Europa (
Finally on a stage again – we’re thrilled to finally have a show with our friends in the Netherlands, to be more precise: at Café de Meister in Geleen. Since we don’t like to party alone we asked those talented fellas to join us: The Job and Unser False Names will do us the honors!
Get your tickets here!